Sunday, March 27, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

It is official. ONE MONTH from today I will be in London starting my study abroad program. I am so excited! The only bad part is thinking of what all has to happen before then. There are less than four weeks left in the semester and only 13 more days of classes, and boy will they be busy and stressful. Not to mention the looming task of packing for six weeks in one suitcase! Luckily, my sister Nollie surprised me (well, I found out a couple days ahead while we were chatting) with the perfect gift in which to record daily goings-on and events while I am in the UK. Hopefully it will also keep me in the right frame of mind until I leave!

I love it! It's way better than the plain Moleskin I would have bought myself. Thanks, again! Here's to all of us who are trying to magnify this mantra and endure the last few weeks of school!

1 comment:

Kira said...

Curses. I guess that means the coveted spot in your suitcase goes to Nollie instead of me. Bribery- works every time.